Shaken or Stirred

If you were out celebrating National Margarita Day yesterday, this morning might be a rough one for you. Below are some simple tricks to make the next morning after a little more bearable for you. Just remember HP 1 2 3!
HYDRATION: To rehydrate I finish a bottle of water, put on a heavy night cream and pre treat dry eyes.
Mario Badescu Glycolic Skin Renewal Complex is the best. It’s a heavy cream that is packed with all the good stuff. It moisturizes and brightens! It brightens… can’t be bad, right?
Visine Advanced Redness Relief drops are my favorite. They really take care of the redness from a night of drinking and last for hours. I wake up without those eye crusties that we all hate.
Puffy eyes are a regular concern for me so I also make sure to use Origins No Puffery cooling eye roller to give my eyes some relaxation before hitting the sheets. Remember to re-apply in the morning!
PREVENTION: Hydration is a duh, but it’s not just your skin that gives away a night out. Dry Shampoo, pain reliever and real sleep are key prevention tricks to make.
Dry Shampoo. It’s a lifesaver! Put Dry Bar’s Detox in before going to bed so you don’t have to worry about starting from scratch in the morning. Just need a quick body shower and boom; you just saved 30 minutes and a lot of effort.
Take 2 pain relievers to fight the mid sleep or morning after headache hangover. Trust me this is key! Morning brain will not even know you had a few or maybe too many last night.
Lastly, for me it’s all about getting a solid sleep. It maybe not as long as I need but it needs to be solid. I load my bed with lots of pillows, a comfort top and a down comforter to tuck myself in with. Feeling surrounded leads to a more solid sleep, think of it as adult swaddling. Check out Casper if you are looking for a new matress and don’t forget your eye mask!

Post made in partnership with Casper